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Cody Temple Meetings Rescheduled to June 6 & 15

After unexpected cancellations in May, two important meetings for the public to hear and speak on the proposed Cody Wyoming Temple have been rescheduled for June.

The group Cody Wyoming Temple has rescheduled its community open house for Tuesday, June 6, from 7 to 8 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints at 1407 13th Street.

This event will be a “Temple Preview” to look over the proposed plans for the temple. Members of the Church’s Special Projects Department in Salt Lake City are attending to review the plans and answer questions.

Cody Wyoming Temple meeting June 6 reschedule

Meanwhile, the Cody Planning, Zoning, and Adjustment Board has rescheduled its public hearing on the Cody Temple for Wednesday, June 15. At this hearing, the board will review the application submitted by Haskell Architecture and Engineering of St. George, Utah – the contractors selected for the temple’s construction – for a Conditional Use Permit application and height exemption.

The Conditional Use Permit will allow the temple to be constructed on the Skyline Drive property, a rural residential zone, while the special exemption would allow the central tower of the temple to be built 71 feet higher than the 30-foot height restriction for all buildings in Cody.

Both meetings are likely to be well attended.

The group Preserve Our Cody Neighborhoods – which wants the temple relocated to “an appropriate location” – is encouraging like-minded residents to attend and speak at the June 15 meeting at the Cody Auditorium. The group intends to raise a crane to 101 feet (the height of the proposed spire) and adorn it with bright LED lights on Saturday, June 3, as another visible demonstration of their opposition to the current location.

Supporters of the temple at its current location are encouraging residents to also attend and have their opinions heard at the June 15 meeting.

In anticipation of the June 15 meeting, the City of Cody has released several documents submitted by Haskell Architecture and Engineering as part of its application for the Cody Temple. One of those documents is over 150 pages of “comments” received by the city, both supporting and opposing the current iteration of the Cody Temple and the Conditional Use Permit application.

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