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Cody Regional Health: COVID-19 and Home Quarantine

Park County’s first coronavirus case is in Cody, and at Cody Regional Health.

The first person in Park County to test positive for COVID-19 is an adult female who works at Cody Regional Health. Yesterday, Cody Regional released this statement:

“The COVID-19 positive test in Park County is an employee of Cody Regional Health. As per national protocol, the Wyoming Department of Health and Park County Public Health are leading the investigation and providing guidance to Cody Regional Health upon next steps. CRH Incident Command is actively involved in taking measures to ensure continued employee and patient safety.”

The woman in question is currently quarantined at her home – the most effective preventative measure. A confirmed case in Cody was inevitable, and the fact that the first confirmed case occurred at the nexus of COVID-19 treatment is not unexpected nor unordinary. It’s the logical progression of the disease. But this is not a reason to let fear and panic run amok. As of yet, there is no treatment for COVID-19 other than home quarantine.

There are and will be more confirmed cases in Wyoming. Just keep on keeping on and follow the same health guidelines laid out by the CDC and Park County Health:

  • Stay home when you’re sick
  • Wash your hands frequently for 20 seconds. Your song may vary
  • Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing. Vampire, everybody
  • Go to or call the ER if you are experiencing respiratory symptoms in addition to a cough and fever. Those are the signs of a COVID-19 infection
  • Avoid crowds and sick people
  • Avoid touching your face
  • Don’t hoard unnecessarily. Toilet paper doesn’t stop the virus.

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