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Cody Police Seek Hoodie-Wearing Vehicle Burglars

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The Cody Police Department is once again asking for public assistance in identifying two at-large vehicle burglars, “caught in the act” on the north side of town.

Another wave of vehicle burglary has been reported in Cody and the Cody Police Department is searching for the culprits. This time, the targeted area was the 3000 block of Kent Avenue.

The burglaries occurred around 3:50 a.m. on the morning of Sunday, June 6. Three individuals were roaming Kent Avenue, breaking into vehicles parked in driveways.

Luckily, a home security camera captured images of the three burglars attempting to break into two vehicles on a driveway. Once they learned they were on film, all three ran away down the west side of the street.

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Courtesy Cody Police Department

Nothing was taken from the vehicles caught on camera. However, another vehicle was successfully robbed of “items of significant value,” according to police officers.

Both suspects were wearing hoodies during their crime spree, obscuring their faces. One burglar’s hoodie had a large, distinctive design on the back with the words “Heading Nowhere” clearly visible.

A brief internet search reveals the hoodie is made by a company called Dravus. The hoodie itself is brown with the large black, green, and purple desert scene on the back.

Cody has been dealing with waves of vehicle burglaries over the past year.

In February 2021, 31-year-old Bryan Nihei was arrested for his possible role in over 25 vehicle burglaries in the area of 31st street. A private citizen caught Nihei in the act, apprehending and holding him until law enforcement arrived.

To avoid vehicle burglaries, the Cody Police Department recommends drivers take a few simple steps to make their car safer and less attractive to a marauding criminal.

Locking your vehicle and making sure the windows are fully closed are the obvious steps to take, but in addition:

  • Never leave your vehicle idling and unattended.
  • If you have a garage, use it. And lock that door as well.
  • Never leave your car keys in obvious areas.
  • Keep your vehicle registration with you rather than leaving it in the glove box. It’s an essential piece of paperwork and will be helpful with any investigation.
  • Park in well-lit areas
  • Don’t leave valuable objects, like phones or other technology, in plain sight inside your vehicle.
  • Charging cords can be enough to entice a burglar to break into your vehicle. Hide them away when not in use.

Anyone with information on these crimes is encouraged to reach out anonymously or otherwise.

If you recognize anyone in these photos or has any information regarding this case – or are the victim of a vehicle burglary – contact the Cody Police Department directly at (307) 527-8700. You can also use the Cody Police Department’s Anonymous Crime Tip Reporting website.

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