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Cody HS Principal Tedjeske Says He’s Leaving For ‘A Great Opportunity’ In Cheyenne

WY Dept of Education

Nathan Tedjeske is leaving his post as principal of Cody High School after only a year, because, in his words, his new endeavor is “a great opportunity for me and my family.”

After winning the prestigious Milken award just a few months ago, along with a $25,000 check, he says the decision to leave Park 6 is “bittersweet,” but his goal has always been “to make as much good for the kids as I can.”

The educator is going to do more “good” for kids, but on the state level. Tedjeske will be the Chief Innovations Officer for the state of Wyoming, overseeing several “programs and initiatives at the state that I participated in already, such as the RIDE pilot and Level Up.  The primary function of the job is to support innovation and best practices within the state and highlight the exceptional work that is happening in Wyoming. That’s a dream job for me and will allow me to be part of moving education forward across the state.”

But Tedjeske says the decision to leave Cody wasn’t an easy one. He and his family had really grown to like Cody and Park County, so for him the hard part will be “the people that you won’t see every day. Since arriving in Cody, I’ve felt so welcomed and have made some great relationships with several people. That’s the hardest part for me.” But it’s also the programs and new projects that is tough to say goodbye to as well, like a new schedule for Cody high school students, competency based classes, performance assessments, and others that he was eager to see come to fruition as a principal and educator.

“It’s been so awesome to work with the people making these things possible and doing the work to push education forward. Not being here to see it in action will be hard, but I know that all of it will be successful and I’m happy for that,” Tedjeske adds.

After the announcement of him leaving, Tedjeske was quick to announce that assistant principal, Mitch Espeland, would take over the position of principal at Cody High School.  For Tedjeske, it was a no-brainer.  “Mitch Espeland is an exceptional leader and educator. That’s why I chose him to be my assistant principal. I think Mitch’s attention to detail and ability to forge strong relationships will be an asset to him as the principal of Cody High School.”

As far as a legacy, Principal Tedjeske says that he doesn’t have one specific accomplishment that I hold higher than any other, but it’s about providing kids opportunities so they can grow and succeed, not just in high school, but for the rest of their lives.

“I just want kids to love learning and be given every opportunity we can provide them. I’ve watched some students start businesses, some bring up a grade, others were awarded scholarships, or got their first job. All of those situations that I’ve gotten to be a part of are special to me. I’d want to be remembered for my small role in them.”

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