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Cody HS Gets Approved for Additional Spectators

The Cody Broncs host the state championship this Saturday, November 14th at Spike Vannoy Stadium and have now been approved for a 50% increase in spectators for the game.

This season the Broncs have been allowed 1,000 people at the games and now, with approval from Wyoming State Health Officer Alexa Harrist, and Park County Health Officer Aaron Billin, that number will be increased to 1,500.

This approval comes at a time where Mark Gordon is being requested to put forth a mask mandate and hospitals are surging at an all time high with patients.

The exceptions on this approval are in the form of three rules:

  1. All Spectators wear a face covering for the duration of the event
  2. All spectators arrive and leave through the portal closest to their assigned seating
  3. Ticket sales are limited to 1500

There will be different exit “portals” for different areas of the stadium that they ask you stick to when leaving the game. Face coverings will be required regardless of sitting as a family unit.

The capacity of the actual amount of seats will double the actual quantity of spectators allowed in the stadium. With additional bleachers and space being made at the south and north end zones, this will give everyone a chance to spread out and social distance.

Frequent announcements will be made over the PA to remind fans and spectators to abide by the rules Park County Health designated in the approval document.

The 1,500 spectators does not include the players and staff.

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