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Cody Horse Sale Happens This Weekend

T.J. Clark sounds stressed.

He is on his cell phone, answering questions, clarifying details, and painting a picture of one of the biggest events in Cody that happens every year.

Cody Horse Sale sign

Cody Horse Sale sign in front of the Irma Hotel on Sheridan Avenue. Photo courtesy of Mac Watson.

This weekend, the Cody Horse Sale, TJ says, “is celebrating it’s 25th year this year,” while he is interrupted by people and staff around him who are peppering him with questions.  For some, this would be too much; too much chaos, too much commotion, too much sensory overload.  But not for TJ who, along with his wife, Amy, have been running this event “since I don’t remember when, exactly,” T.J. says into his phone, trying to concentrate on the interview.

Irma Hotel on Sheridan Avenue

Irma Hotel on Sheridan Avenue. Photo courtesy of Mac Watson.

The horse sale brings people, horses, trucks and trailers from all over the country to buy and sell some of the best breeds of equines like American Quarter Horses and Cross Draft Horses.  “We got one woman who’s come from Vermont to watch,” T.J. explains.

Friday is when the horses get to show off their stuff and compete in the skills competition which happens in Ralston at the Jake Clark’s Mule Days Arena.  The horses are trailered in from all over the United States as well.  “Missouri, Arizona, Illinois, Nebraska, Colorado, Montana,” T.J. lists off quickly before his voice trails off as someone next to him asks a quick question.  This year the Cody Horse Sale has acquired 75 head of horses that will be bid on at the Irma Hotel in downtown Cody.  Bidders can watch in person or over the internet as a temporary auctioneer’s booth has been set up on the blocked-off street starting at 1PM.  12th Street has been blocked off between Sheridan Avenue and Beck Avenue and a parade of horses of all colors and sizes will be sold for profit.  Some of the money goes to charity, “we give a lot of money charity every year,” T.J. adds.  But it is still a money-making venture, for sure.

“It takes a lot of money,” as T.J. puts it, to put on the Cody Horse Show.  But it’s certainly worth it as the town of Cody becomes center stage every year to “promote trail and ranch horses,” bringing horse lovers from all over to witness these special creatures.

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