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Cody High School’s Tashi Mathuin Awarded Wyoming Journalist of the Year

Cody High School Tennis Player and Senior Tashiya Mathuin has been named the Wyoming High School Student Press Association State Journalist of the year for the 2021. Awarded for her efforts, Mathuin will receive a $500 college scholarship to put towards her future.

One of the judges of the Scholarship wrote that “Tashi has a great journalistic voice and I was impressed with her research on her pieces and her willingness to get the interview. She has a strong journalistic portfolio.”

According to the WHSSPA the Journalist of the Year celebrates the work of one high school student per state. State winners are then allowed to compete for the title of National JOY.

Mathuin will compete with winners from 38 other state for the title of National Student Journalist of the Year. The winner and finalists will be announced at the end of the virtual JEA/NSPA Spring National High School Journalism Convention.

Powell High School’s Abigail Landwer was the runner-up in the convention.

Cody High School’s Wyatt Burichka was the Journalist of the Year winner in 2020.

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