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Cody Fillies Volleyball Look To Continue Their Success

The 2022 version of the Cody Fillies were as good as you can get coming 1 match from a State Title against a Kelly Waalsh team that sent two girls to the University of Wyoming.

The Fillies only lost 4 matches all season to the same Kelly Walsh team going 25-4.

Cody only lost 2 sets outside of the matches against the Lady Trojans.

Moving forward to this season Head Volleyball Coach Nicole Gwynn believes it’s a continuations not a rebuild this year.

KODI also talked with Senior Molly Hayes on her expectations of the season and what it ment to her to lead the young Fillies in practice and on the court.

We also had the chance to hear from Senior Ada Nelson as she prepares for her upcoming Senior season.

The teams is ready and the expectations are high for the Fillies Volleyball team.

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