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Classes 1A/2A Area Basketball Players to Garner All-State

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And now moving over to the hardwood and taking a look at the Class 1A and 2A area Basketball players that have garnered All-State.

Players are voted on by head coaches.

Let’s go ahead and take a look at the are players to garner the accolade.

We’ll start off with a look at the girls, first with Class 2A:

From Rocky Mountain- Victoria Arnold (All-State in 2022) and Mackelle Moss.

From Shoshoni- Hailey Donelson

And now the 1A area girls to earn All-State:

From Burlington- Kelsi Nicholson (3rd year in a row earning All-State)

From Riverside- Caroline Schlattmann (All-State in 2020 &’22)

And now switching over to the boys side, again focusing on area players to earn All-State.

In Class 2A:

From Greybull- Carlos Rodriguez

From Rocky Mountain- Ben Simmons

From Shoshoni- Alex Mills

And in 1A:

From Burlington- Carson Jones, Seth Wardell and Grant Winters.

Full results here: 2023 All-State 1A _ 2A Basketball

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