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City to Launch ‘Clearly Cody’ May 7

Cody City Hall

The City of Cody will launch a municipal dashboard on its website Friday, May 7.

City Finance Officer Leslie Brumage and City Administrator Barry Cook discussed the rollout of Clearly Cody on KODI’s “Speak Your Piece with Darian Dudrick” Friday morning.

According to information city residents will receive in the mail with their utility bills, “The city is committed to financial transparency and accountability. … It (Clearly Cody) is designed to provide quick and centralized access to a variety of municipal information in an easy-to-navigate format.”

A Clearly Cody link will be on the city’s home page and will feature six sections. The first – Fiscal Responsibility – will be available for the public to use May 7, with the other five sections being added tentatively by October.

Fiscal Responsibility will include access to the city’s various operating funds, a budget simulator and other features.

Additional sections will be Online Services, Service First, Quality of Life, Public Safety and Community Development.

For details about Clearly Cody and other city issues discussed Friday, listen to the show here: here

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