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Cade Rosansky Feature

We’re less than a week away until the Yellowstone Quake hit the ice for their first official games of the season. With the Quake scheduled to get their 2020-21 campaign underway this weekend here’s a look at returning Quake forward Cade Rosansky. Cade will be entering his second year as a member of the Quake. Prior to the start of the season I caught up with Cade and like many players on the roster eager to hit the ice and show just how good they can be.

“Yeah, that’s what Phil’s been saying a lot, since I talked to him over the summer. He came out and saw us and basically told me ‘I don’t see any reason why we shouldn’t be better than we were last year.’ We weren’t even that bad last year. We had our downs like everyone does. When push came to shove in the playoffs we played really good and I think we’re just going to build off that. Even the guys coming in, it seems like we’ve got some good players coming in. So I’m excited about that. I think we’re going to be definitely competitive.”

Before the season came to a screeching halt the Quake were playing as good of Hockey as anyone and Cade adds how they look to pick up right where they left off.

“I think we were a team at the end of the year. We had a lot of young guys at the beginning of the year last year and I think it just took us a little while to mesh and finally realize that these are our brothers for the season. Doesn’t matter if you don’t get along about everything. You just gotta suck it up and be friends and be teammates at the end of the day. If we keep doing that, like building off our sweep against Gillette, I think there’s no reason why we shouldn’t start off the season really, really hot.”

This year’s team is not short on confidence. And Cade believes a lot of that confidence stems from the big wins they captured a year ago.

“Even though Sheridan was a good team last year we split the season with them. We were 3-3 with them which was pretty good. I mean, we were the only team to beat Bozeman twice in the entire league, so that wasn’t bad. We’re all teenagers, like we’re young guys. We all are hot heads. Just gotta be friends. Gotta realize yeah he’s probably got a different view than me but it doesn’t matter at the end of the day as long as your teammates.”

And Cade believes one of the biggest difference makers this team has over the other teams is their head coach. Cade on what makes Coach Oberlin the right guy to lead this team.

“I talked to the coach all last year. Over the off-season he called me to see how I was doing which a lot of coaches don’t do that. Some coaches will call you and be like “yeah we’re interested in you” and then not talk to you for three months. I don’t want that. I had a camp this summer and he came out and saw me which was really cool. I get along with him really well. He’s a good guy. Some coaches you can’t say that. You’ll be like ‘he’s a good coach but he’s a jerk.’ Phil’s not like that. He’s a good guy.”

Cade and the Quake hit the ice for their first face-off of the season at Missoula October 2nd and 3rd. The Quake’s home opener will be the following weekend hosting Gillette.

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