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Brew Brew Here In Town

Let me take you back in time. Up until the 1500s, brewing beer was primarily a ladies things to do. Well that is, until it happened where women were accused of being a brewer made them witch. If that is the case….

Well tis the season for brewing! Let’s talk about some brews a brewing around Cody! We have so many great local brewers who knock it out of the park.

Adults’ have been drinking beer for almost 7,000 years, and the original brewers were women! From being a Viking , Irish, and the Egyptians, women brewed beer both for religious ceremonies and to make a practical, calorie-rich wonderful beverage for the home for the family. Adults. Over 21 kids.

Did you know,  a little fun fact for you. .. there once was a nun Hildegard Von Bingen. She lived in Germany. She famously wrote about hops in the 12th century and added the ingredient to her beer recipe. Just incase you didn’t know hops is what makes that beer well hop!

She started writing about stone age to the just shy of the 1700’s or so about ale . Who knew later she would be a household thing for most families. After the whole world knew who she was.

The yummy drink was an inexpensive way to consume and preserve grains. For those who put in eight hours or more a day, beer provided an important source of nutrients, carbohydrates and proteins, with a side side of pass me another.

Keep the brews going!

Here in Cody, well pass me another. Best brews in town? Where shall we meet for just one more?


Here is too the beautiful ladies who paved the way! Happy women’s day! Drink local. Shop local. ALWAYS be safe to stay local. Today have a beer and toast to the women you love!

Alewives drinking together
Three women dressed in period garb as alewives. The tall hats became a part of witch iconography. (Hulton-Deutsch Collection / Corbis via Getty Images


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