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Boulders Falling in Wind River Canyon

Large boulders are falling in Wind River Canyon due to the heavy precipitation in the region recently, and travelers are urged to use caution.

Wyoming Department of Transportation personnel in Thermopolis were dispatched to Wind River Canyon about noon yesterday when a house-sized boulder and other debris fell onto the highway.

WYDOT Maintenance Engineer Lyle Lamb of Basin says that there are quite a few big rocks that have fallen an area about 13 miles south of Thermopolis – and he urged drivers to avoid pulling off the road to view the damage.

Lamb added that a berm has been built in the Windy Curve area to try to keep any new rocks from entering the roadway, and said WYDOT workers will continue monitoring the slide area today. If more rocks continue to fall, Lamb said they could make the decision to close the road due to the safety hazard to travelers and to Department of Transportation personnel.

WYDOT is moving dynamic message signs to the area in case of the need to close the highway through Wind River Canyon during the continued rainy and snowy weather.

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