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BLM Issues Decision on McCullough Peaks Wild Horse Herd Management Plan

The Bureau of Land Management has made a decision on how to manage the wild horses of the McCullough Peaks, east of Cody, Wyoming.

The BLMs plan will be to bait trap gathers, removals and utilize fertility control to keep the McCullough Peaks wild horse herd at a manageable level. To ensure the herd and land remains healthy, the Appropriate Management Level for the area is 70 to 140 wild horses.

The current herd population is 181, based on direct counts in 2023.

The decision, made on Wednesday, September 20, approved a plan that would return the population to a healthy level, while slowing population growth by utilizing a combination of selective removals, fertility control, and small bait trap gathers over a 10-year period.

Public comments related to the environmental assessment were addressed by the BLM during the comment period and were incorporated into the decision record and environmental assessment.

The Bureau of Land Management may begin a bait trap gather of the McCullough Peaks herd in 2023.

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