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Big Horn Basin Raises Money for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital


For the past 15 years, the Big Horn Radio Network has supported St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital with our annual radio-thon that raises money to support a world-class institution where kids with cancer and other diseases have a fighting chance. And the people across the Basin have been amazingly generous donating their hard-earned money to help this hospital and kids thrive.

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital was established over 60 years ago in Memphis, Tennessee, named after St. Jude Thaddeus who is the patron saint of hopeless causes.  But St. Jude is where children and families go to find hope in treating kids with cancer.

“Since we opened in 1962, our mission has been to find cures for kids with cancer and other life-threatening diseases, regardless of race, ethnicity, beliefs or a family’s ability to pay.  In the years ahead, an estimated 89% of the funds necessary to sustain and grow St. Jude must be raised from generous donors. This is why supporters are so important in fulfilling the promise of St. Jude founder Danny Thomas, who believed that ‘no child should die in the dawn of life,’” according to their website.

Today we are holding our annual radio-thon for St. Jude on KZMQ-FM, the Country Superstation.  We’ve raised a lot of money, but here is our challenge to you.  If we can reach $150,000 today, we will have raised over $2.5 million in the past 15 years.  That is a staggering number.  In fact, it makes the Big Horn Basin number three on the list of donors in the nation based on per capita basis.  That is a testament and a compliment not to be taken lightly.

You can become a Partner In Hope which means for 19 dollars a month, you’ll be able to give sick children a fighting chance.  Plus you’ll receive a This Shirt Saves Lives t-shirt. Please help us reach our goal and donate today by calling 800-363-5334.  Let’s help the children at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Or donate by clicking here.



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