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Al Simpson: GOP Filled with Hatred

Al Simpson had some strong words for his own party Tuesday morning on KODI’s “Speak Your Piece with Darian Dudrick.”

The former Wyoming U.S. senator was referring to a story in the Powell Tribune about a recent Park County Republican Party meeting. A committeeman was quoted of saying public health officials “need to be fired or executed” over COVID-19 restrictions and face-mask requirements.

“This is absolute nuts. Now if that isn’t hatred, then you tell me what the hell is,” Simpson said. “Who would want to join this (Republican) party? It’s filled with hate. They hate gays. … They hate (President) Biden. They hate (U.S. Rep.) Liz Cheney. Why do you want to join a party that’s just filled with hatred?”

For years, Simpson has been critical of the “no compromise” conservative wing of the GOP, specifically regarding social issues.

Other topics Simpson and Dudrick covered Tuesday included the Wyoming legislative session (including taxes, Second Amendment Preservation Act and voter ID), Biden’s gun-control measures, the crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border and the new Georgia voting law.

Listen to the show here: here

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