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2020 West “A” District Tournament Schedule

2020 District Tournament in Cody


Friday, July 24

11:00am Powell Vs Lovell

1:30pm Riverton Vs Lovell

4:30pm Riverton Vs Cody

7:00pm Green River Vs Cody


Saturday, July 25

10:30am Powell Vs Riverton

1:00pm Powell Vs Green River

4:00pm Riverton Vs Green River

6:30pm Lovell Vs Cody


Sunday, July 26

11:00am Lovell Vs Green River

1:30pm Powell Vs Cody


All games will be 7 innings following American Legion rules.

Record will be the first determining factor for state seeding.

If there is a tie, head to head will determine the seed.

If there is a three or four way tie: We will use the following to criteria to break it. Once it is broken we will go back to the beginning. Example, if three teams are tied we will use criteria to break that tie. When we get back to two teams tied we will use head to head for those two.

Three or more teams tied:

*Head to Head

*Runs given up

*Runs scored

*Records against higher seeds at this tournament

The dugouts will be sprayed down when teams change. Please do not enter the dugouts until they are done and the spray dries. The spray should dry within 10 to 15 minutes.

Game times are approximate based on the game before and field prep.

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