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Wyoming Senator Barrasso Reacts To The President’s 2024 ‘State Of The Union’ Speech

Senator John Barrasso

After President Joe Biden delivered his last State of the Union speech before the general election in November, Republicans were quick to react.

The senior Senator from Wyoming was one of the first ones to give his opinion in a release, saying, “President Biden failed the nation tonight.”

While some Republicans didn’t like the aggressive and accusatory tone that Biden took, saying that it was the GOP’s fault for not getting a Border Security bill for him to sign, Senator Barrasso wanted the president to come up with solutions, not point fingers and blame the Republican party.

“The American people needed to hear real solutions to our nation’s greatest challenges. They’re begging President Biden to change direction. Instead, Biden bragged about Bidenomics. He blamed everyone but himself for the crisis he created at the border. He projected weakness rather than strength,” Barrasso said in a release that came from his office late last night.

In fact, Barrasso accused the President of embracing “Democrats far-left policies” that “have resulted in the highest prices in 40 years.  Also, the Wyoming Senator relayed that because the President hasn’t been tougher on illegal immigration, it has “allowed more than 9 million illegal immigrants to pour across our Southern Border.”

Senator Barrasso also brought back his criticism of the State of the Union speech to the Cowboy State when he talked about energy and energy production.  “Democrats surrender America’s energy dominance and played into the hands of Russian, China, and Iran.”

“Republicans know we must get America back on track. We will fight every day to secure the border, stop wasteful Washington spending, and unleash American energy. The American people deserve nothing less.”

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