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Senators Barrasso and Lummis Join Effort to Ban Federal Mask Mandates

United States Senators John Barrasso and Cynthia Lummis, both Republican Representatives of Wyoming, joined Republican Ohio Senator JD Vance in introducing legislation to prevent the government from imposing new federal mask mandates for public transit systems, in schools and for domestic air travel.

The Freedom to Breathe Act would prevent all educational institutions from refusing service to those who choose not to wear face masks, along with air carriers and public transit authorities.

“The Freedom to Breathe Act is a commonsense step in protecting individual liberties and preserving states’ rights,” said Senator Barrasso. “It is not the role of the federal government to mandate masks on airlines, transit authorities, or in schools. This important legislation ensures people in Wyoming and across the country aren’t forced to follow an impractical, unreasonable mask mandate. The rights of every American must be protected from one-size-fits-all Washington mandates.”

Senator Lummis also shared her thoughts on the matter.

“If this administration is uninterested in defending the American people’s individual liberties and states’ rights from misguided and ineffective federal mask mandates, then it is up to Congress to preserve these sacred rights,” said Senator Lummis. “I’m proud to cosponsor this commonsense legislation which shields the people of Wyoming from unfounded mandates handed down from out-of-touch D.C. bureaucrats.”

Senate Democrats blocked the legislation from being passed unanimously on the Senate floor on Thursday, September 7.

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